Custom Search

Saturday, 26 April 2014

How Search Insights Can Inform Your Event Strategy

Oscar Night. The Olympic Games. Bonnaroo. We think of produced events as finite moments in time. But as we saw with Bob Costas’ eye and “Adele Dazeem”, many of these “finite” moments actually create a much larger window of interest—and opportunity—online. You could say that for every offline action, there is a digital reaction. And it starts with search.

By understanding search data and its role before, during and beyond an event, marketers can prepare to respond to consumers’ needs and desires in new and timely ways. Think with Google looks at how these search insights can help guide a thoughtful event strategy and provides tips for marketers to get the most value from events. Read the full article.

Check out Think with Google’s full collection of Search Insights articles for more examples of how to use search data to inform your marketing.

Posted by Think with Google

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